Friday, December 20, 2019

2019 Blogger Gift Exchange

Tracy of Printable Pony has hosted this exchange for seven years and I have been lucky enough to participate each time. Normally I can think of something small I have wanted/needed. This year I drew a blank. You would think with all my horses I could think of something. I felt bad for who ever got me.

So when my gift came in today, I was happy to recognize the name of the sender. Karley is a friend on Facebook and I enjoy following her horse and family fun.

The box contained something for the horses and humans. Chocolate for me and Mrs. Pastures for the horses. And then she nailed it with a brush. I don't think I have mentioned before, but my favorite brush is a mixed stiff/medium made from natural fibers. The brush she sent is just like that. Happy dance!

Thank you Karley! and thank you Tracy!


  1. Pingback,

  2. What a perfect gift! I love participating in this exchange!

  3. Those are my FAVORITE brushes!! Happy holidays and thanks for participating!!
