After losing DaVinci, a winter storm and my computer going on the fritz, I took a break from the blog. I did not mean to take so long, but life happens.
I got a new computer during Christmas so I am going to start writing again.
2022 was quite the year of ups and downs. So here is a recap.
January: Three rides total, that is it. We had a crazy snow fall that screwed up traffic for miles and kept us away from the barn.
March: Beginning of a crazy breeding season. And Yes we will have foals in 2023.
April: Rated show debut at 2nd level. We survived a windy, cold day even though Roscoe thought he would be eaten by a newmarket cooler. I got my first bronze medal score with a 60%.
May: Second rated show, the wheels fell off. Combination of a scary indoor ring and saddle fit issues, made for a slightly disappointing day. We sadly lost Dottie when she could not stop spinning. The barn is so empty now.
June: The end of a hectic breeding season, resulted in four pregnancies. After utilizing Magna Wave for years we got our own.
August: Ember attended a bit fitting and got his own fancy bit that has improved his work. We finally got our saddle refitted after delays. Roscoe and I went to a schooling show for a redemption at 2nd level.
September: Brought our last show for the year and gave us enough scores to earn Reserve Champion 2nd level. We got a new trainer... but she did not last long.
November: All in one day I got offered a new job, Lauren Sprieser rode Roscoe and I got hit in the mouth with a tire iron while changing the flat trailer tire. Now if only I could get Roscoe to feel like how he was after she rode.
December: I started the new job, nice raise and got a new trainer. She is pretty awesome. Can't wait for them to come back from Florida.
Keep a look out for a Foal Pool!
Welcome back to blogging! Sounds like a crazy year, but things are looking up!