Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Almost Inspection Time, EEK

I feel so far behind with everything that is happening this month. Eventually I will catch up. Maybe after Saturday. Enjoy this shot of Ella, Roscoe's 2017 filly. PC: Her owner
Aderyn Du Carousel

So we have been checking off our to do list for the Inspection:

Handler- Check, they offer one for $65

Though now he may have to be ridden, so I have to add cleaning all tack and packing riding clothes.

Stall for a day- Check, might as well for $20

Vet Exam- Almost complete. We did the big part involving 5 pages, $200, including flexion test, working breathing and heart rates, teeth exam, skin and hoof exam, genitals, etc. Roscoe had a slight positive during the right hind flexion at the stifle and hock. Hmm, maybe that is from Ember jumping on him constantly.

We still have to do 12 xrays, but have 30 days from the inspection date to complete them. That could be about $500.

Paperwork printed:
Original registration - Check
5 Gen pedigree - Check
Copy of registration - Check
Show record- Check, such that it is
Inspection reservation form - Check
Membership form - Check

And today Roscoe got his Chiropractic visit. She was able to straighten his hips, probably the cause of the flexion results, and unlock his neck a bit. Roscoe put his hoof down when she brought out the needles. She only managed to get one in his forehead. Anywhere else was a no go. She reverted to using acupressure instead.

We have matching green polos and will all wear khakis. Hopefully this cooler weather will continue.
I need to clip Roscoe, maybe shorten his mane a little and figure out how to braid that forelock of his.
Whew! This has been a packed month. This inspection will cap it off hopefully in a good way.

And how cool is it that while Roscoe is at the inspection, over in the UK they will be having a celebration for his Grandsire Gwynfaes Culhwch.


  1. That's pretty cool! Looking forward to reading all about it!

  2. Stallions are allowed to have their forelock loose. Just depends if you want to braid it.
