Sunday, January 6, 2013

Winston (and Me) Update

I dreaded going to the barn today. Worries crowded my mind on the hour drive. As I turned the corner near the barn, I started counting horses. One boy by the tree, one boy in the field and yay one boy by the water trough. So he was standing. When I parked I saw him walk in that "What mack truck hit me?" kind of way. I went right out to see him and was glad to see he did not have tree trunks for legs. There was swelling around the cut on his left leg, but only a small amount of heat.
Other than his obvious muscle soreness, I could see no new damage. I finally took an easy breath. Winston got cold hosed, the cut scrubbed and dressed with antibiotic and honey. I added B-L to his food to help with pain.
Overall he is doing so well considering all that happened. I am also doing better. It is not something I am going to forget, but I know when you own horses anything can happen. Now for a few pictures.

This is the ladder he ran into. That bend is Winston's work. The steps are probably what cut him.

Hard to see but that is the hole and rake that started the blind panic

His worst injury, cut on inside left front

Front view, slight swelling in the area
After taking care of everyone, I went for some pony therapy in the form of a Comrade ride. We went for a free spirited, jumping session in the woods. Just what I needed. Comrade and I even conquered our new blue barrel jump. It was not pretty, but he went over. His trot work between jumps was awesome. Comrade wanted to get strong but he came back to me when I asked. We ended with another stag jump over the barrels, then Peggy got on to cool him out. He even had foamy butt cheeks.
I am so lucky to have a supportive family and a great network of friends to help when life goes to hell. Now onto the work week and taking it day by day with Winston. Fingers crossed he continues on the up swing.


  1. Glad he's not to badlyy hurt and I hope that the swelling goes down, and heals quickly.

  2. Glad he wasnt hurt too badly. By the looks of that ladder it could have turned out a lot worse. But your right. When you own or work with horses stuff like this is going to happen. Its just how it works with horses. Sounds like a great ride.
