Monday, May 31, 2021

A Trail of Painted Ponies: Rosemary

 This post is much later than I normally do, but her pony took a while to arrive and it just hurt too much. 

In 2010, not long after we lost Sherman,  Mom and I were drooling over video's of Castleberry ponies. I decided to find out if I could afford one of the foals. Surprisingly the breeder asked if I would be interested in Rosemary who was in foal. Plus the price was so low considering she had been backed.

 Her video

I  somehow convinced my parents and we set off in November to vet her. This shy, Amish bred mare was hard to catch with a history of a mysterious lameness. Eventually she was caught and vetted sound. 

The day we met

I paid a portion and signed up for payments. We now owned a pregnant, 3yr old. Rosemary quickly fit into our herd and her true sassy personality appeared.  And for nearly 10 years she filled our lives and opened doors we never thought to pass through. 

Two heavenly ponies 

So when I looked at Painted Ponies, Mystic Dreamer was the one for her.

Mystic Dreamer" was conceived as a guide on the journey to new beginnings for those who chase their dreams. 

From the beginning she guided us into breeding, driving, showing and cob ownership. Plus the statue has feathers. 

Without Rosemary there would not be Roscoe or Ember. She truly loved doing things for her people and protecting her herd. Little mare could be fierce.  She was also so gentle with the kids. 

She was a one of a kind mare who left us too soon. She lives on in her one of a kind son, and the grandfoals. One grandfoal was born on her birthday, Aderyn du Carousel,  which is today. 


Memorial day,  her 14th birthday felt like the right time to write this post. She touched so many in the short time she had and left her mark. I will always be grateful to have owned this mare. She revived the joy of horses for u

Into the light, forever bright

PS last day to guess her next grandfoal 
This was made for us by a friend